Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Day 12

Another super busy day, I’m starting to feel like I am catching up though, I reached inbox zero for about 5 minutes today – felt amazing! Today for "Random Act of Kindness"  week, I tried my best to smile at strangers, it sure is harder than it sounds. If they looked me in the eye I smiled at them, most people look away shyly but then for every five, one would smile back at me. It felt good to share that one moment in time with another human being that I knew nothing about, just hoping I made their day a tiny bit brighter by showing kindness.

It was snowing tonight when I took my pup for a walk - thick fluffy snow, the kind that sticks to the tree branches and makes the city look like a sparkling ice village - absolutely breathtaking.

I had my evening mapped out on what I had to get done before I leave for Mexico - but then my sweet Mom called around 8pm worried about my darling nephew who was at the ER. I called my sister-in-law Kyla to see what was going on and she said Cruz had the croup cough and was having laboured breathing. Poor little sweet boy, they had been there for a few hours so I brought them both supper and stayed with them until Cruz was called in by the doctor. I then saw two friends that were also there for almost 8 hours waiting, so I spent some time with them until they were also called in to the Doctor.

It makes me realize no matter how busy you are you have to make time for the most important things, the little things, the times that people will remember most. I know I had a busy night planned and had to stay up extra late to get everything done, but taking that time out tonight to spend with family and friends at the ER was most important, grateful for those moments. Kyla sent me a really nice text thanking me for supper and saying how lucky she was to have me as her sister. She made my night, glad I was able to be there for them when they needed me. I think it also  made my Mom feel better that I could be there for them tonight when she couldn't be - being so far away in Florida. 

This is a very powerful video that has really impacted me. The part where his father rushes on to the track to help his son overcome his challenge, step by step  - I could not imagine a more grateful feeling for him to have such a supportive Dad on his arm during this heartbreaking moment. His love is overflowing.

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