Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Day 13

Today was a whirlwind; I went to work at 7am today. It was a very peaceful morning and great day overall, I savoured every minute of my walk with Deuce, as it was my last one until I get back from Mexico, I will miss our little walks together.

I had my second Twinrix needle today. Strangely I didn’t have a lot of anxiety about it. I guess my day was much too busy to think about it. I was in the waiting room for about 25 minutes and started to feel nervous but pushed my thoughts aside. I was proud of myself, this was my best needle experience yet. Even Barb my nurse commented how great I did, I am so happy that I am getting over my fear of needles. Two more left when I get back, maybe this trip to Mexico was meant to be, helping me get over my fear :)

I’m grateful for my manager today, she is so wonderful – so lucky to work with her every day. I got her all set up using the Viber app so she can text me for free while in Mexico. I know she probably won’t text me work stuff while I am away, but it is peace of mind that I know she will be able to reach me if she needs anything. So happy she approved me to go to Mexico, as we are very busy and it is just the two of us in our area. I will work extra hard to make up for it when I am back, so grateful for this vacation.

Rachel, Lenka and I set off for our road trip to Halifax tonight, they were fantastic co-navigators. It was a very dark night and it snowed for a while but thankfully we made it to the Hotel safely. Lots of laughs and great conversations on the way over, the time flew by. We are going to have such a fun trip together.

Time for a little nap as we'll be up at 250am to get ready to catch our flight. We will be on the beach by 915am, I am beyond excited :)

The tiny, beautiful, funny, tragic moments in your life - how are you going to remember them? Cesar Kuriyama suggests:film one second of video every day. I may have to try this :)